Numbers Are The Language of Business

People are not comfortable or confident looking at the numbers in their business. But I always tell people that “numbers are the language of business” If you want to learn how to run your business better, then you need to learn how to speak the language, and that is where Financially Sorted comes in. 

Being able to read and interpret the numbers will put you light-years ahead of most business people. It will give you amazing insights into your business and it will help you to make quicker and more informed decisions, which will definitely lead to better results.

Knowing the numbers of your business, is important as you can make informed decisions that work best for your small business, after all you cannot manage what you don’t measure. 

Now, you don’t need to be an accountant to be able to effectively use the numbers. But you do need to find someone who can help you to better understand your numbers and how to use them in your business.

Here are the key numbers and reports that I would get my head around:

  • Your monthly Profit & Loss report, and
  • Your Aged Debtors (or Receivables) report, and
  • Your Aged Creditors (or Outstanding) report, and
  • Keep an eye on your stock levels (if applicable), and
  • Know your Break-Even Point, and
  • Have measures to track that the right activity is getting done.

The last point is an especially important one.

Most people, including accountants, will look at reports that show the final result for the month or the year. However, it is vital that you track numbers during the month that will give you a good indication whether you will have a good month.

These are things like the number of enquiries, number of meetings, value of quotes, production output, billable hours, etc. These will differ for every business, but it is vital that you work these out for your business, and look for defining your business goals


Here at Financially Sorted we make sure your on the right track for your small business goals. If you need guidance, we are here to help. Book an appointment today. Follow us on social media for updates.