by kirstyb | Feb 1, 2022 | Business, Business Support, Finance, Small Business
Time management skills to improve your small business One of the quickest ways to improve your results is by getting more of the important stuff done. There is only so much you can do within the day. If you are a small business owner, even more so as all the decisions...
by kirstyb | Dec 13, 2021 | Business, Business Support, Small Business
4 Ways a business can recover after a financial setback After almost 2 years of massive interruption to almost every business across Australia, how strong is your business? Are you able to recover after a financial setback? Almost every business has needed to...
by kirstyb | Dec 6, 2021 | Business Support, Small Business
Director Identification Number As part of its Digital Business Plan, The Australian Government announced the full implementation of the Modernising Business Registers (MBR) program. The MBR program will establish a new Australian Business Register (ABR) as well as...
by kirstyb | Sep 2, 2020 | Business, Small Business, Tax & Accounting
Why did my business have a tax loss? An understatement is that this has certainly been a difficult year, and we are certainly seeing that many businesses have made a tax loss. A tax loss is when the total deductions you can claim, excluding gifts and donations, are...
by kirstyb | Sep 2, 2020 | Business, Small Business
If your business has received a tax grant or payment from the Australian Government or a State or Territory Government, you may need to include it in your tax return. Some grants and payments are assessable income and so need to be included in your tax return. Grants...