by kirstyb | Sep 21, 2022 | Business, Business Support, Small Business
Time to Apply for a Director ID Number is now. Be Aware, Time is Running Out – 30th November 2022 is fast approaching! Director Identification Number As part of its Digital Business Plan, The Australian Government announced the full implementation of the...
by kirstyb | Sep 1, 2022 | Business, Business Support, Small Business
We have all gone through a horrid time over the past 2 and half years. As such reviewing where your business is, you may need to restart it. Here are some tips to understand if your business need a restart? Let’s Review When reviewing what has happened &...
by kirstyb | Sep 1, 2022 | Finance, Small Business, Superannuation
“Success is about creating benefit for all and enjoying the process. If you focus on this and adopt this definition, success is yours” Kelly Kim. Forget about how much you earn, whether it’s as low as a dollar an hour or if you are lucky enough to earn $1,000 dollars...
by kirstyb | Sep 1, 2022 | Business, Business Support, Finance, Small Business, Tax & Accounting
A couple of months I wrote a blog about the importance of cashflow in business, the blog got a massive response, your emails and comments have inspired me to chat further about this, providing ways on how to improve cash flow. With some cashflow tips for the home as...
by kirstyb | Mar 31, 2022 | Business, Business Support, Small Business, Tax & Accounting, Tax Returns
Benefits of Tax Planning to Improve Your Business Tax planning can have some great benefits for any business, large or small. It involves evaluating the business’s current financial situation, estimating probable profit or loss for the next quarter, and drawing up...
by kirstyb | Feb 1, 2022 | Business, Business Support, Finance
The benefits of defining your business goals If you are not proactive and you don’t take ownership, it means that you effectively give up control of the direction of your business. You are then at the whim of the economy, the business environment and the decisions of...