Why Have Superannuation?

Why Have Superannuation?

Your superannuation is your future! Why have superannuation? The superannuation choices you make today will help shape your lifestyle in retirement. We can help you get your superannuation sorted now, so you maximise your superannuation savings for when you retire. So...
ATO letter to boost trustee awareness to SMSF

ATO letter to boost trustee awareness to SMSF

A little while ago now, the ATO wrote a letter to boost trustee awareness to SMSF and other trustees about their invest strategies. The reason behind this is to have the objective to raise awareness. ATO’s Objective This did certainly raise many questions to our...
Should You Consolidate Your Super?

Should You Consolidate Your Super?

Should You Consolidate Your Super? With Superannuation, it is best to get the most out of it. Here are a few things you should know before consolidating your super. Fewer accounts could mean fewer super fees If you’ve ever changed personal details like your name,...
How much super should I have at my age?

How much super should I have at my age?

Whether you’re 26 or 66, knowing how your super balance stacks up against others your age and what you should be aiming to have at your age, can help you determine if you’re on track towards being able to fund a ‘comfortable retirement’. How much super do I need for a...
Can You Live on The Age Pension?

Can You Live on The Age Pension?

It’s important to know how much savings you have when retiring. Do you need to Budget? Can You Live on The Age Pension? As of August 2022, the full rate of the age pension for a single person, including all supplements, is $25,677.60 a year. Single people (with...